Green Art, eko- angažované umění
Organizujeme bazary a kulturní akce určené k poskytnutí dalších finančních prostředků pro nadace (např. prodej uměleckých děl nebo oděvní designu).
Umění z hlediska životního prostředí je používáno ve dvou různých významech.
Termín může být používán obecně a odkazovat na umění související s problémy životního prostředí a nebo s přírodními prvky, jako jsou formální, politické, historické a sociální souvislosti.
Je možné sledovat pohyb životního prostředí v umění v druhé polovině 60. a na počátku 70. let. Zpočátku byla spíše spojena s plastikou a stavěna na tradičních formách sochařství, považovaného za zastaralé a nešetrné k životnímu prostředí. Dnes se tento přístup k umění zabývá v mnoha oblastech.
V poslední době se green art ukázal jako alternativní umění pro životní prostředí, protože se domnívá, že udržitelný rozvoj představuje výzvu pro současné umění jako celek.
Rostlinné umění je umělecké hnutí zahrnující umělce vstupující do světa rostlin. Toto by mohla být definice uměleckého hnutí, které v každém případě odpovídá současné realitě.
Proto také v tom smyslu je, že environmentální kultura navrhuje ekologickou adaptaci humanitních stanovišť biofyzikálních a nasazení sociologického zájmu lidských kultur pro zvláštní schopnost rozlišování mezi vnímáním a akce s biosférni stranou a přírodu a kulturu lidstva v biosféře a naopak.
Our Featured Artists:
Global Biodiversity Protection likes and recommends you the work of painters James D. Comer, himself very involved in the fight for the environment and Mumira artist from Kenya. You can find and if you wish, buy they creations at the following address: James D. Comer or Mumira at:
Save Mount Kenya Forest from Extinction Group
P.o. Box 62343-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
TEL: 254723469909,
Murima – biography
Mumira is a modern artist born in 1980 and concentrate on figurative paintings exploring various topics. He observes and presents real places and real people in real situations.
Mumira born talented in oil painting started painting at the age of 8 years with his cousin who is also a renowned artist here in Kenya. Mumira paint on medium of oils concentrating on figurative painting exploring diverse topics and pictured with landscaped environment and animals.
He has been exhibiting his arts here in Nairobi and most people have recognized his art both local and foreigners.
James D. Comer – biography
James also provided public relations services including the World’s largest Private Collection 16 cylinder Classic Cars auction in Morristown, NJ ; started Old West Productions, James Comer Public Relations, and the American Specialty Advertising Products Company; set up a national Radio record airplay promotions Company; organized a International Computer Brokers network for an Arizona Computer sales Company; produced low-cost radio and tv commercials in New York and Phoenix; created Souvenir programs and contracted other tele-marketing sales and leads programs from his offices. Many events involved fundraising and working with civic organizations .
Upon moving to New York City (Queens) in 1991, James began a research and design period whereas he outlined several “American MusicLegacies” edutainment show concepts and a Edutainment Telephon concept (APT). As time goes by James incorporated his American Music legacies series into a broader based “LOVE ARTS CAMPAIGN” ~ Greater Learning and Economic Development Through Arts (available). He also began his pen and ink pop style sketches in the 90’s to illustrate his projects which include important music legends, silver screen moguls and stars and over 2,000 classic film charactures plus 100’s of other designs and montages ~ Food Arts, Fashion Arts, Architectural Arts, more.
In 2003 he moved back to his home State of Ohio where he continues to promote the Love Arts project and other issues he believes important and positive for a better tomorrow and the future of our grandchildren. In the last few years in addition to his pop art graphics, James has created several paintings, written two plays – scripts, and also created four books of his illustrations ( in search of a publisher ) ~ A Love Arts Campaign edition, two Movie works volumes (I. 1895-1949; II. 1950-2005) and a special Fabulous Fifties Movies and Trivia book. Currently James is working on one of his Music-Edutainment Show concepts “Get The Whole World Dancin” and working to promote other great organizations.
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![]() Wild thing huh! Only |
![]() STARRY NIGHT ODYSSEY (28’x47′ board) Tribune Van Gogh and Reid stowe 1000 |
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Shipping, handling, Insurance which will be additional to Artwork price. It will be done PROFESSIONALLY and most International Sales will be delivered by UPS (United Parcel Service) / Deliveries in USA will be either US Postal Service or UPS. Prices depend on size, weight, value and where it’s going. |
![]() Zebra are some of the animals found in Africa especially in savanna, the oil painting depict these animals drinking water. |
![]() During olden days here in Africa, girls used to perform the work of fetching water, collecting firewood and cooking, this oil painting art depict an African girl fetching water in the river. |
![]() The male lions dominated the jungle here in Africa; they also hunt most of the times, this oil painting depicts an Africa lion manning the jungle against other animals. |
![]() In most cases, men here in Africa during olden days used to grazing cattle’s in the field, and during those hours they spent most time playing draft game. This oil painting depicts these young men playing draft game. |
![]() In traditional African culture, men used to graze in the field and in most cases they involved themselves with various activities such as playing draft game, hide and seek game, singing and dancing, this oil painting depicts these African men dancing. |
![]() During traditional African olden days, women were involved with activities such as cooking, fetching water and cultivating on the farms, this art depict an African woman cooking outside her hut. |
![]() During traditional African days, women used to stay with children’s at homes where they showed a lot of motherly love, this oil painting depict an African woman with a child. |
![]() Cheetah is one of the fastest animals on earth and they are found in savanna, this oil painting depicts cheetah with it prey. |
![]() Elephants are strongest and biggest animals found here in Africa in many game reserves, Mara River is found here in Kenya, this oil painting depict African elephant crossing Mara here in Kenya. |
![]() Masai people are found here in Kenya and Tanzania; they live in the plain of Rift valley, they are usually pastoralists. This oil painting depicts a Masai herdsman heading home with his cattle from the field. |
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